jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information! => Animoto as our best friend!

Hi everybody!

 Today I am presenting you a tool that we will use for practice! This is called ANIMOTO and it helps us to create a convination of photo and videos content to present a work, in this case it will be presenting personal information, this is a wonderful tool , because it allows you to play with your imagination and express yourself!

I have done a video for you to show you what I am talking about!:
http://animoto.com/play/xG0TS9kT1gJ8DR7YNwTlDQ   Hope you like it!

Now! It is your turn, in order to create an ANIMOTO VIDEO YOU WILL HAVE TO:

1- Create your own account in => http://animoto.com

2- Click on (CREATE) and follow their instructions.

3- Once you have ended up your video, post it and publish the link in the comments the link! 

4- Let's start EXCHANGING PERSONAL INFORMATION in a creative way!

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information - Adjectives for describing people!

Sixth class!

Hi! How are you? Are you ready? Let´s start!

Another main category of words that you need to learn in order to give a complete description of yourself when giving personal information are the adjectives.

Here you will find a full list of positive and negative adjectives for describing people, in this case yourself!


After you have read the full list of adjectives, and picked up some of them to represent you, make full sentences in which you explain why did you fell identified with that as a way of showing the people a little of your personality. Please write your answers on hte comments below, and I will check it out! :)

Exchanging personal information - Verb TO HAVE

Fifth Class

The verb to have

The verb to have as a main verb implies possession, and this verb can be used in two forms:

- I have a piano
- You have a bongoe
- We have our own bussines


She has not an android cell phone
- They do not have nothing in common

 By the time of exchange personal information ,and explain the appearence you use - have got - this verb indicates possession

- He has got brown hair.
- You have got green eyes.
- I have got one brother.

When we want to talk about actions we just use - have -.

- I have breakfast every morning at 9 o´clok.

Now! let´s get more practice, on the following link , you will found some  personal presentations made by students of Spain.

**** http://bilingualsof2000.blogspot.com.ar/p/blog-page.html

**** http://bilingualsof2000.blogspot.com.ar/p/presen.html

==> -After you read their experiences, and based on the lessons learned so far, do your own description, SIMPLE and CONCISE, to introduce you to any person!

lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information - Like - Love - Hate

 Fourth class!

Hello everybody!! In our third class, we will learn about verbs:
  • Like (gustar) 
  • Love (amar)
  • Hate (odiar)
I know what you are wondering about! how should I use verbs like, love ando hate into a sentence?WELL in order to make the understanding of the theories easier for you, I have found this wonderful video lesson in which this issues will be fully develop.

But 1st! REMEMBER!


Remember to listen carefully what the teacher is saying, then, when he asks you to repeat JUST DO IT!

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIEDO LESSON ===> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gIgnWXTgVTk

I hope you have understood everything! It was easy! Wasn´t it?

People,now that we now how to use these verbs, let´s have some reinforcement practice :

When should I use LIKE-LOVE-HATE on a conversation or writting?

  • When you are asked o you want to express likes or dislikes:
-What band do you like best?The band that I like best is Jesse & Joy

-What tipe of food do you love?I love greek food.

-Do you like to read?No, I really hate it.

Those are some examples of what you can answer or say about you and your likes :)

TIME to practice! after you have watched the movie, please full fill this exercise:

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information - Let's review some points!!!!!! => Vocabulary Regular and irregular verbs

Third Class

Vocabulary Regular and Irregular verbs:

To help you to improve your vocabulary, on the following links I will provide you some list of regular and irregular verbs to include at the moment of writting your personal information.

The distinction between regular verbs and 
irregular verbs is a very simple one:
Those verbs that form their past participle 
with ‘d’ or ‘ed’ are regular verbs. These 
verbs do not undergo substantial changes while changing forms between tenses.
  1. If the verb ends with a vowel, only ‘d’ is added. For example:
  1. If the verb ends with a consonant, ‘ed’ is added. For example:
Those verbs that undergo substantial changes when changing forms between tenses are irregular verbs. The changed forms of these verbs are often unrecognisably different from the originals. For example:
There is no way to tell what form an 
irregular verb is going to take in a changed 
tense; the only option for an English speaker
 is to commit the changes to memory. With
 practice, it will become a matter of habit.

Here you have some full lists of verbs
Irregular verbs:

Exchanging personal information - Let's review some points!!!!!! => Simple Past Forms

Second Class

Simple Past Forms

Most Verbs

Most verbs conjugate by adding -ed like the verb "wait" below.
  • waited.
  • You waited.
  • We waited.
  • They waited.
  • He waited.
  • She waited.
  • It waited.
  • did not wait.
  • You did not wait.
  • We did not wait.
  • They did not wait.
  • He did not wait.
  • She did not wait.
  • It did not wait.
  • Did I wait?
  • Did you wait?
  • Did we wait?
  • Did they wait?
  • Did he wait?
  • Did she wait?
  • Did it wait?

Irregular Verbs

Many verbs, such as "have," take irregular forms in the Simple Past. Notice that you only use the irregular verbs in statements. In negative forms and questions, "did" indicates Simple Past. To learn more about irregular verbs, visit Englishpage.com's Irregular Verb Dictionary. You can also use Englishpage.com's Online Irregular Verb Flashcards to memorize irregular verb forms.
  • had.
  • You had.
  • We had.
  • They had.
  • He had.
  • She had.
  • It had.
  • did not have.
  • You did not have.
  • We did not have.
  • They did not have.
  • He did not have.
  • She did not have.
  • It did not have.
  • Did I have?
  • Did you have?
  • Did we have?
  • Did they have?
  • Did he have?
  • Did she have?
  • Did it have?

To Be

The verb "be" is also irregular in the Simple Past. Unlike other irregular verbs, there are two Simple Past forms: "was" and "were." It also has different question forms and negative forms. Always remember that you DO NOT use "did" with the verb "be" in the Simple Past.
  • was.
  • You were.
  • We were.
  • They were.
  • He was.
  • She was.
  • It was.
  • was not.
  • You were not.
  • We were not.
  • They were not.
  • He was not.
  • She was not.
  • It was not.
  • Was I?
  • Were you?
  • Were we?
  • Were they?
  • Was he?
  • Was she?
  • Was it?

Modal Verbs

Modal verbs behave very strangely in the Simple Past. The most important verb to remember is "must." Notice how it becomes "had to" in the Simple Past.
"Must" becomes "had to":
  • must call my wife now.
  • had to call my wife yesterday.

Source: http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/simplepastforms.htm

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information - VERB TO BE

First class!!!

It´s time to start

The verb TO BE... or not to be!
The verb to be is used as an auxiliary verb, because by itself it has no sense. On the present simple, the verb to be is conjugated acording to the correspondant personal pronoun. 
In order to learn how to write about our personal information using the verb to be we will learn about the indicative mood, this as we will see, can form an afirmative, negative and interrogative mood.


Indicative: They are musicians.Interrogative: Aren´t they doctors?Negative: No, they are not.

Negative: She is not your grandmother! Indicative:  Mary is my grandmother!Interrogative: Isn´t she?

=> It is also used to express (states, existence, location, identity, quality, time, etc ) of people or things.
  • Existence:
- I am the craziest person of the world - She is my cousin´s gilrfriend- They are the newest band of country music
  • Time:
- The meating is tonight- It is five to ten
  • Location:
- Come! it is over there!- Kim is on the hall
  • Shows identity:
- I am Louis Kennedy- They are Coldplay- He is Daniel
  • Shows a quality:
- You are pretty!- He is a gentleman- You boys are the best!
  • State
- I am really tired! I want to sleep!- They are excited about finishing the year!
NOW! lest´s practice: On the following links you will found some exercises for practice : 

Practice! => verb TO BE : http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/109668/IZSBUCLL.php

What does each sentence express? http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/109667/NEZEXMMG.php

Sure you are wondering how to apply this to create and Personal presentation? do not despair! we will advance slowly and TOGETHER :)!

Let´s apply some of what we have learned:

1st step:}

 Hi!I am Virginia Lopez,I am twenty years old and I am from Tucuman,Argentina.Now I live in Catamarca and I am a student of English teaching at Catamarca´s National University.

Answer the following questions about the text:


I know! It is quite short but it is a good example for you to practice, now is your turn:

-Try to write your own (1st step), and write it on the comments