lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information - Like - Love - Hate

 Fourth class!

Hello everybody!! In our third class, we will learn about verbs:
  • Like (gustar) 
  • Love (amar)
  • Hate (odiar)
I know what you are wondering about! how should I use verbs like, love ando hate into a sentence?WELL in order to make the understanding of the theories easier for you, I have found this wonderful video lesson in which this issues will be fully develop.

But 1st! REMEMBER!


Remember to listen carefully what the teacher is saying, then, when he asks you to repeat JUST DO IT!


I hope you have understood everything! It was easy! Wasn´t it?

People,now that we now how to use these verbs, let´s have some reinforcement practice :

When should I use LIKE-LOVE-HATE on a conversation or writting?

  • When you are asked o you want to express likes or dislikes:
-What band do you like best?The band that I like best is Jesse & Joy

-What tipe of food do you love?I love greek food.

-Do you like to read?No, I really hate it.

Those are some examples of what you can answer or say about you and your likes :)

TIME to practice! after you have watched the movie, please full fill this exercise:

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