sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Exchanging personal information - VERB TO BE

First class!!!

It´s time to start

The verb TO BE... or not to be!
The verb to be is used as an auxiliary verb, because by itself it has no sense. On the present simple, the verb to be is conjugated acording to the correspondant personal pronoun. 
In order to learn how to write about our personal information using the verb to be we will learn about the indicative mood, this as we will see, can form an afirmative, negative and interrogative mood.


Indicative: They are musicians.Interrogative: Aren´t they doctors?Negative: No, they are not.

Negative: She is not your grandmother! Indicative:  Mary is my grandmother!Interrogative: Isn´t she?

=> It is also used to express (states, existence, location, identity, quality, time, etc ) of people or things.
  • Existence:
- I am the craziest person of the world - She is my cousin´s gilrfriend- They are the newest band of country music
  • Time:
- The meating is tonight- It is five to ten
  • Location:
- Come! it is over there!- Kim is on the hall
  • Shows identity:
- I am Louis Kennedy- They are Coldplay- He is Daniel
  • Shows a quality:
- You are pretty!- He is a gentleman- You boys are the best!
  • State
- I am really tired! I want to sleep!- They are excited about finishing the year!
NOW! lest´s practice: On the following links you will found some exercises for practice : 

Practice! => verb TO BE : http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/109668/IZSBUCLL.php

What does each sentence express? http://uk3.hotpotatoes.net/ex/109667/NEZEXMMG.php

Sure you are wondering how to apply this to create and Personal presentation? do not despair! we will advance slowly and TOGETHER :)!

Let´s apply some of what we have learned:

1st step:}

 Hi!I am Virginia Lopez,I am twenty years old and I am from Tucuman,Argentina.Now I live in Catamarca and I am a student of English teaching at Catamarca´s National University.

Answer the following questions about the text:


I know! It is quite short but it is a good example for you to practice, now is your turn:

-Try to write your own (1st step), and write it on the comments

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